Session Disclaimer
By booking a session you voluntarily agree to the statements below:
I am willing to be guided through relaxation, visual imagery, hypnosis, and/or stress reduction techniques. I am aware that these modalities are spiritual-based and non-medical in nature and it is my responsibility to consult my regular doctor about any changes in my condition or changes in my medication.
I understand the above modalities are not substitutes for regular medical care and I have been advised to consult my regular medical doctor or health-care practitioner for treatment of any old, new or existing medical conditions.
I understand that being hypnotized is not being asleep. During a deep hypnotic trance, you can open your eyes, speak, laugh, walk and you may be aware of everything that happens around you.
I understand that change is my own and complete responsibility. I understand all healing is self-healing and that Tony Alexander is only a facilitator in the process of helping me to solve my own problem(s}. It is my responsibility to be open and honest, provide accurate feedback and be forthcoming with details and information that may help me achieve my outcomes.
I understand that our session will be digitally recorded for my later use and that Tony Alexander retains the copyright of these recordings. I also understand that in these types of metaphysical sessions, the energy in the room can affect the equipment and recording resulting in static or blank recordings.
I understand that often in Hypnosis sessions, universal information is provided through the client to benefit all of humanity. I agree to allow Tony Alexander to share this information and any accompanying story either on video or in written form in blogs or books as long as my first and/or last name and all personal and relevant details are omitted and/or changed.
I am of legal age and understand I am entering into a cooperative relationship of my own free will. I accept that I am a willing participant in this cooperative relationship that will employ hypnotic techniques, regression, and any other appropriate modality by Tony Alexander. Therefore, I do hereby release and discharge Tony Alexander from all claims of damages, copyright, demands or actions whatsoever in any manner arising from or growing out of my cooperative participation.